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The report provides projected population growth for the next century, but what will Tennessee look like in 2100?

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    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Tennessee may be the place to be in the year 2100. A new report from Move Buddha projects population shifts across the country will see Tennessee become the home to more than 14 million people.

    According to the report, Tennessee is projected to move up three spots from the 15th-most populated state to the 12th-most populated by the turn of the next century. The projected population in Tennessee in 2100 is expected to be approximately 14,273,035, the report states, coming just behind Pennsylvania with nearly 14.4 million residents.

    The report also states California will no longer be the most populous state, being overtaken by Texas, with a projected 2100 population of 96 million, up about 214% from current population estimates. Other southern states like Florida, Georgia and North Carolina also round out the top five most populated states in 2100.

    The top five is expected to look like this:

    1. Texas
    2. Florida
    3. California
    4. Georgia
    5. North Carolina
    (Courtesy: moveBuddha)

    Data analysts with Move Buddha say the large shifts in populations to southern states can be attributed to multiple reasons, but the warm climate is a big factor. Economic factors like housing affordability and lower taxes also play a major role.

    Click here to view the full Move Buddha report on projected 2100 population growth.

    To prepare for the increased population, the team at Move Buddha said conversations about improved resources should happen sooner rather than later.

    “Everyone talks about the need for more infrastructure,” Nick Pipitone, Communications Manager at Move Buddha told News 2. “There’s a lot of growth but with that comes growing pains. There’s also a lot of things that need to be done to support that growth.”

    He said this report and others like it may inspire more people to consider how they can best help their cities and states grow to prepare for the future “in a smart way.”

    The report also detailed the states most likely to decrease in population by 2100, with Illinois, West Virginia, Missouri and Wisconsin taking the top spots, for those looking to have more room to spread out in the next century.


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    Author: Brittany Kelley

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    Name: Brittany Kelley

    Birthday: 2015-01-29

    Address: 943 Lawson Summit Apt. 444, East Kristymouth, PA 04053

    Phone: +4459608059816563

    Job: Dental Hygienist

    Hobby: Yoga, Card Collecting, Card Games, Writing, Skiing, Embroidery, Crochet

    Introduction: My name is Brittany Kelley, I am a enterprising, tenacious, intrepid, apt, strong-willed, frank, transparent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.